
L-ISA Hyperreal Sound Draws Big Buzz with Bon Iver Shows in Los Angeles L-ISA Hyperreal Sound Draws Big Buzz with Bon Iver Shows in Los Angeles...


Over two days in October, the brand new, state-of-the-art YouTube Theater at Hollywood Park in Los Angeles hosted two incredible Bon Iver performances for the 10th anniversary of the band’s Grammy-winning sophomore album Bon Iver, Bon Iver

However, the theater’s futuristic architecture and the band’s decade-long anniversary weren’t the only things to be impressed by at this exclusive two-day event. Bon Iver’s shows were heard in ultra-high resolution with an immersive sound system to enhance every detail and instrument of the music. The theater’s permanently installed L-Acoustics 2.1 stereo system was enhanced to an L-ISA Immersive Hyperreal 7.1 spatial audio system, counting over 180 speakers to paint a panoramic sound canvas around the whole audience of frontman Justin Vernon’s songs.

Impeccable audio brought Bon Iver’s songs to life, as the audience’s aural reverence was tangible within the new theater, no matter where they sat. This wasn’t one of those shows where you only hear great sound if you’re sitting in that “sweet spot.” Crystal-clear audio enveloped every audience member from the nearest seat to the back, creating an immersive sound bath, lulling the listeners with each rhythmic wave.

But don’t take our word for it—we just work here. 

The array of post-event press buzz is enough to convince even the most casual music lovers that immersive audio is the new future of sound, and every show should be in L-Acoustics L-ISA. “Watching the show in the dazzling immersive soundscape got me thinking about other albums that should be given the immersive L-ISA treatment,” says Steve Baltin of Forbes.

“Called L-ISA Hyperreal Sound, Bon Iver’s ‘Sincerely Grateful’ celebratory shows feature ultra-high resolution spatial audio that would make any audiophile grin,” remarked Billboard correspondent Kristin Robinson.

Rebecca Aaron of Cultured states, “What made these live shows particularly special, however, was the quality of their sound… L-Acoustics’ L-ISA Hyperreal Sound, a new immersive technology that takes live music to its most elevated sonic experience yet.”

More of the immersive show’s press coverage and testimonials are found on CulturedSpinUproxxHollywood ReporterBuzzbandsPollstarBillboardNewsbreak, and Forbes.

The new YouTube Theater, embedded under the same sloping roof canopy as SoFi Stadium, combines premium guest amenities and state-of-the-art technology with a permanently installed L-Acoustics sound system to deliver the best sound experience for any artist’s performance.

With 227,000 square feet of space, the three-level theater’s system comprises a total of 57 K2 enclosures, 66 Kara II, 28 KS28 subs, a dozen compact Kiva II, 10 A10i Wide, with multiple LA12X and LA2Xi amplified controllers driving the entire system, all under the management of two P1 digital audio processors, running on a redundant AVB network with an analog backup.

Check out the theater’s list of shows online to experience the incredible L-Acoustics sound system in person.